12 results found
15. May 2024
Pic of the Day
Gilles Villeneuve's first European race was the 1976 Pau F2 Grand Prix, and not the 1977 British Grand...
Categories: Formula 2, Pau, Grand Prix de Pau, Gilles Villeneuve, René Arnoux, Jacques Laffite, Project 4, Martini, Ron Dennis, March, Martini, Chevron, Canada, France, 1976
Source: Ercole Colombo
17. Mar 2024
Pic of the Day
Bruno Giacomelli and René Arnoux, two future Formula 1 drivers, while being fierce rivals on track,...
Categories: Formula 2, Hockenheim, Bruno Giacomelli, René Arnoux, Ricardo Zunino, March, Martini, March, Renault, Italy, France, 1977
Source: Ercole Colombo
11. Mar 2024
Pic of the Day
Podium! Maurizio Flammini (third), Claude Bourgoignie (second) and Jacques Laffite (the winner) celebrate...
Categories: Formula 2, Hockenheim, Maurizio Flammini, Claude Bourgoignie, Jacques Laffite, Trivellato Racing, Martini, March, Martini, Italy, Belgium, France, 1975
Source: Ercole Colombo
05. Oct 2023
Pic of the Day
Philippe Streiff (picture above) won the 1980 European Formula 3 round held at Zolder in Belgium. The...
Categories: Formula 3, Zolder, Philippe Streiff, Philippe Alliot, Michele Alboreto, Oreca, Euromotors, Ecurie Motul Nogaro, Martini, March, France, Italy, 1980
25. Nov 2022
Pic of the Day
In 1978, Thierry Boutsen has one outing in this FF2000 Reynard at Zandvoort. A new sponsor 'Jan Bik'...
Categories: Formula 3, Formula Ford, Zandvoort, Zolder, Nurburgring, Thierry Boutsen, Oreca, Hugues de Chaunac, Reynard, Martini, Belgium, 1978
Source: DR
20. Oct 2022
Pic of the Day
In 1974, Jacques Laffite competed in the European Formula 2 championship aboard a BP Racing March 742...
Categories: Formula 2, Formula 1, Salzburgring, Nurburgring, German Grand Prix, Jacques Laffite, Williams, Frank Williams, March, Martini, Williams, ISO, France, 1974, 1975
Source: DR
18. Aug 2022
Pic of the Day
Jean-Pierre Jabouille takes a ride back to the pits on top of the Fred Opert Racing Chevron B35 Hart...
Categories: Formula 1, Formula 2, Thruxton, Jochen Rindt Memorial, Jean Pierre Jabouille, José Dolhem, Didier Pironi, Maurizio Flammini, Fred Opert Racing, Elf Switzerland, Chevron, Martini, March, France, Italy, 1976
Source: Getty Images
27. Jan 2022
Pic of the Day
Didier Theys at Magny-Cours (picture-above) with his Saulnier Martini, just before the 1985 Formula 3...
Categories: Formula 3, Magny Cours, Monaco, Monaco Grand Prix, Didier Theys, Saulnier, Pierre Van Vliet, Martini, Belgium, 1985
Source: Pierre Van Vliet
17. May 2021
Pic of the Day
The little French Martini team, so successful in the lower formulae, tried to make the big jump into...
Categories: Formula 1, Kyalami, Zolder, South African Grand Prix, Belgian Grand Prix, René Arnoux, Martini, Tico Martini, Hugues de Chaunac, Martini, France, 1978
Source: DR