2 results found
05. May 2023
Pic of the Day
Happy days of Formula 2! A fine selection of drivers seems to enjoy itself on the pit wall, at the...
Categories: Formula 2, Donington, Beppe Gabbiani, Divina Galica, Brian Henton, Stefan Johansson, Tiff Needell, Eje Elgh, Derek Warwick, Project 4, Eddie Jordan, Pierre Van Vliet, Paul Owens, March, Ralt, Osella, Chevron, Italy, , Sweden, , 1979
Source: DR
14. Feb 2021
Pic of the Day
Engineer Ray Jessop had designed the Formula 2 Motul M1 (codename RJ01) in 1973 at the request of Ron...
Categories: Formula 1, Formula 2, Formula 3, Knockhill, Silverstone, Tony Trimmer, Patrick Neve, Tom Pryce, Tiff Needell, Safir, Ray Jessop, Ron Dennis, Safir, Token, , Belgium, , 1975
Source: DR