3 results found
15. Jan 2023
Pic of the Day
Mario Andretti and A.J.Foyt were IndyCar rivals (and in all the other forms of car racing in North-America...
Categories: Cart, Indycar, Midget, Dirt Track, Indianapolis, Indianapolis 500, Mario Andretti, AJ Foyt, Newman Haas, Gilmore Foyt Racing Team, Lola, Coyote, , 1969, 1977, 1983
Source: DR
14. Jan 2022
Pic of the Day
Al Unser (1939 - 2021) was an American automobile racing driver (picture above in 1978). He was the second...
Categories: Usac, Indycar, Dirt Track, Indianapolis, Indianapolis 500, Al Unser Sr., Johnny Rutherford, Penske, Roger Penske, March, , 1970, 1971, 1978, 1987
Source: SpeedSport
01. Aug 2021
Pic of the Day
Victorious of the 1969 Indianapolis 500, Mario Andretti was also dominant in the USAC championship,...
Categories: Formula 1, Usac, Dirt Track, Zeltweg, Indianapolis, Springfield, Austrian Grand Prix, Mario Andretti, AJ Foyt, March, March, , 1970
Source: DR